Leia is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.

Leia believes that her education allows her to bring a wealth of expertise to her practice. Leia is equipped with skills to assist individuals in overcoming trauma or challenging life experiences that disrupt their daily functioning and relationships. Leia firmly believes in the power of human connection to dismantle barriers and facilitate problem-solving.

In Leia’s therapeutic approach she prioritizes creating a non-judgmental and secure environment where clients feel empowered to explore their concerns openly. Together, you navigate through obstacles, fostering growth and healing.

Leia’s professional journey has involved supporting youth and adults grappling with addiction, anxiety, depression, grief, surviving abuse, oppression, and trauma, across diverse cultural backgrounds. Leia is well-versed in employing evidence-based techniques tailored to each individual’s needs.

Furthermore, Leia’s personal experiences have deepened her understanding of injury and disability culture, enhancing her ability to relate to clients facing similar challenges. In essence, Leia is committed to providing compassionate and effective counselling that honours each person’s unique journey towards wellness.

Leia is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the British Columbia Association of Clinical ... Read More

Krista is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.

Krista has an innate desire to help others because she knows firsthand how detrimental poor mental health can be when left untreated. Navigating through life is extremely difficult when you lack the proper tools to help guide you. Being uncertain on how to move forward can lead to feelings of inadequacy as you underestimate your ability to cope.

Working with Krista will involve building new relationships with your experiences and how you process them. Krista will invite you to remain curious as she provides a safe space where exploration can occur organically and free of judgement. You are the expert of your own life, and Krista is merely the facilitator of new possibilities.

Krista’s wish for you is that you learn how to build a healthier relationship with yourself; a relationship which is grounded in trust and confidence. As you exercise your ability to choose, you will see how much power you hold. Learning how to process uncomfortable emotions will allow your inner healer to grow. Avoidant behaviour will provide temporary relief; however, your inner healer has the potential to create lasting change you can be proud of.

Krista is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the British Columbia Association of Clinica... Read More

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